CDC Guidelines: LINK
Recommended Items:
- Bleach-free disinfectant wipes or a solution of 70 percent rubbing alcohol and 30 percent distilled water. Do not use stronger solutions as this will damage the coatings of the chromebook and screen.
- Microfiber cloths or any cleaning cloths that are linen free. Lastly, a
- Compressed air to remove any dust and particles. Not necessary for disinfecting purposes.
- Mask, Googles, and Gloves
Avoid any abrasive cleaning brushes or cleaning pads that might scratch the surfaces of your Chromebook.
Never spray any cleaning solution directly onto your Chromebook or any other electronics. Always apply the cleaning solution to a microfiber cloth and then wipe the device.
Step 1 – Completely power down your Chromebook or unplug the power cord if you are cleaning a Chromebox. If applicable, remove the battery from the bottom of the Chromebook if easily accessed.
Step 2 – Disconnect any cables or peripherals that are plugged into your Chromebook. This will allow you to access and clean every part of the device.
Step 3 – (Optional and recommended with a mask, goggles, and gloves) Use the compressed air to remove larger pieces of dirt or dust that might be in your keyboard and ports. When using compressed air, only give it a few short bursts and never turn the can upside-down.
Step 4 – Use the disinfectant wipe or apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol solution to the cloth and completely wipe down the entire Chromebook, including the screen and around each key of the keyboard. Use a small amount of pressure to remove any fingerprints or smudges on the screen, but not too much since this could damage the display. If you aren’t comfortable using the cleaning solution on the screen, you can buy disinfectant wipes specifically designed for LCD and laptop screens.
Step 5 – After everything is dry, you can use a dry microfiber to buff the screen to remove any haze that might be lingering on the display from the disinfecting process.
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