If you notice when you are typingrandomlythe mouse cursor will jump around and even sometimes seem like you are typing over already typed textor even erasingtext while typing. This is most often caused by the touchpad picking up your hand movments while typing. This can be adjusted so that the touch pad will be disabled while you are typing.
To disable/enable the typing detection functions of your touchpad follow the steps below:
· Open your start menu and select control panel. Once you are in the control panel click on “Hardware and Sound”.Then Under the top option (Devices and Printers) select “Mouse”. If you are using Windows XP select and open “Mouse” from the control panel. Note:If you have changed your control panelview in Windows 7from the standard "Catagory" view simple just click the "Mouse" option and move on to the next step.
· This will open a new windows with several different tabs, you will want to select the tab “Finger Sensing Pad”. After selecting “Finger Sensing Pad” in the lower right hand corner click the button “configure”, this will open another window for the touch pad setting.
· You will notice a list of options on the left hand side in the new window. Click the littleplus next to the one that says “Enable/Disdable Pad” to expand the setting for that option.
· Now select "Typing Detection" and on the right hand side of the window check the box next to "Disable pad while typing". You can now hit the apply button once you have slected to disable or enable typing detection and then close all windows.
Keywords:Typing,touchpad,TW9, Mouse, pointer,text
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