Reload Windows from USB thumbdrive
How do I reload Windows without a CD drive?
Reload Windows from thumbdrive.
There are 2 free tools you need to create the bootable thumbdrive. First download IMG Burn
Once it is installed, run it and click on create image file from disk. Make sure the source is the correct drive, then click the folder icon where it says to select a file. Enter a file name, and note where it is located. Then click the Read button to have it create the image.
- Next, download Ubootin
Run that, and select Diskimage, click the ... button and select the .iso file you created previously. Make sure the USB thumbdrive is listed as the drive in the dropdown and click ok.
What you need.
A blank flash drive larger then 1 GB.
Your 2 Go PC Quick Restore CD.
*** Please note that CTL/2GoPC will not be able to provide support on this procedure or the programs listed. ***
Keywords: Reload, USB, Thumbdrive
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