Mitac AIO M650 Display - Troubleshooting
Moments after powering on my AIO There is no picture on the display.
This can be caused by a few problems, These are the steps to check towards a diagnosis going from
the easily accessible parts down to pulling the unit completely apart down to the LED Panel.
The motherboard has not been flashed to use the LVDS connection over DVI
The motherboard is flashed but has failed to produce a signal
The LVDS cable is faulty and needs to be replaced
The Power inverter has failed and needs replacement
The display panel itself has failed (Usually the back light or lines
Symptoms when booting up your AIO and what part they point to
Backlight: When you see the backlight initiate, but don't see anypicture on screen then that usually points towards either
Motherboard being flashed
Motherboard Not flashed and has a faulty LVDS port
LVDS cable is frayed and can no longer carry a proper signal
Backlight pt2: when you see NO initialization from the backlight but you can see a feint image
of your Bios/Login screen then that points towards
Power inverter board has failed
Panel Backlight has failed
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